I’ll be performing as a featured reader along with the always amazing Carol Clark Williams.
Silken Poetry Tent at YorkFest 2019
This is the 26th Year of the Silken Poetry Tent at York Fest. Where Poets and writers can share their work with the community. Carol Clark Williams and Dustin Nispel will be hosting this year. If you are interested in reading your work please select a time slot below. If you select a time slot please be on time. Can't wait to Hear your amazing voices echo through the crowded streets! #YorkFest
There will be a merch table for authors to sell their books!
The Tent this year will be at a different location than last year so stay tuned for that.
Readers Schedule for the 2019 Yorkfest Silken Tent
Yorkfest 2019 Readers
Saturday August 24
10:30 Ken Michaels
10:45 Carol Clark Williams
11:00 Heath Brougher
11:15 Christine O'leary Rocky
11:30 reserved
11:45 Dan Danner
12:00 Kenneth Vincent Walker
1:00 Mamie Schulz
1:15 Jane Miller
1:30 Linda Blaskey
1:45 Tina Berrier
2:00 Dustin Nispel
2:15 Kate McGourty
2:30 Jessica Flynn
3:00 Steve Concert
3:30 Adrian Brown
4:00 reserved
4:15 Ladi Glori
4:30 Montez Ritter
Sunday August 25
10:30 reserved
11:00 Allie Kochert
11:15 Barbara DeCesare
11:30 Heath Brougher
11:45 Tess Becket
12:00 Rob Poff
1:00 Kenneth Vincent Walker
1:15 Dustin Nispel
2:00 Elizabeth Bodien
2:15 Mela Blust
2:30 Montez Ritter
2:45 reserved
3:00 Vito Grippi,.Poet Laureate of York
Yorkfest Adult Literary Competition
Opening Reception and Awards Presentation:
Friday, August 23 • 6-8 pm at Creative York
Artist Awards announced at 6:30 pm, followed by the winners of the Yorkfest Adult Literary Competition at 7 pm
I will be reading a short poem and introducing the contest finalists.